09. 27. 2023 Blog

How Marketers Exploit Fake Science to Sell Wellness Products

As a marketer, I understand the power of persuasive language and its potential to drive sales. However, there is a fine line between effective marketing and misleading consumers with dubious claims.

Guard against Scienceploitation: Consumers should critically evaluate health claims amidst scientific buzzwords.

The prevalence of fake science in product marketing is a concerning trend that threatens to erode trust and compromise the well-being of consumers. In this blog, I want to explore the concept of “scienceploitation” and the tactics employed by marketers to sell wellness products, as well as how consumers can navigate this landscape.


Exploiting science

The term “scienceploitation,” coined by Timothy Caulfield, a research chair in health law and policy for Canada, accurately describes how brands hijack scientific language from emerging fields to promote unproven products. With the increasing emphasis on health and wellness, marketers have jumped on this bandwagon, inundating consumers with flashy labels that boast health benefits. From prebiotic sodas to “skin detoxing” treatments, the marketing landscape is teeming with health claims.


The power of buzzwords

One of the primary tactics employed by marketers is the use of scientific buzzwords to create an illusion of efficacy. Terms like “boosts,” “supports,” and “stimulates” are often used without clear and quantifiable definitions. These vague words can be easily misinterpreted, leading consumers to assume positive health outcomes without substantial evidence to back them up.


Manipulation of ingredients

To capitalize on health fads, companies may use trendy ingredients like adaptogens and activated charcoal, even if the actual quantity present in the product is too low to have any real effect. The jam-packed ingredient lists on product packaging can be overwhelming and misleading, as they fail to convey essential information about the quality, quantity, and interaction of the ingredients.


Questionable studies and misleading claims

Wellness brands often cite studies or research to support their claims, but many times these references lack context or are unrelated to the product in question. Some may even cherry-pick favorable data or present poorly designed studies as evidence. This cherry-picking of data contributes to the propagation of false claims and misleads consumers.

Prudence is key when seeking authentic wellness products online amidst lofty claims.

Empowering consumers to make informed choices

As marketers, we must prioritize consumer well-being and responsible marketing practices. To achieve this, consumers should be equipped with tools to assess the legitimacy of wellness claims. Here are some tips for making informed choices:


Research online: Conduct a thorough search for the product’s name along with terms like “review,” “complaint,” or “scam.” This can help you gauge the product’s reputation and consumer experiences.


Consult respected authorities: Check what respected professional associations and public health organizations say about the specific product, protocol, or ingredient. Their articles, position statements, and meta-analyses can provide valuable insights.


Look for robust evidence: Be cautious of products that rely on one exciting study. Favor products with a larger body of evidence backing their claims, as it increases the likelihood of reliability.


Avoid miracle claims: Keep in mind that no single ingredient can be a cure-all for all health issues. If a product’s claims seem too good to be true, they probably are.


In conclusion, we as marketers play a crucial role in shaping consumer choices, especially in the health and wellness space. By staying honest and transparent in our marketing efforts, we can foster trust with consumers and promote genuine products. Consumers, on the other hand, should remain vigilant, critically evaluate claims, and seek information from reliable sources before embracing any wellness product or trend. Let’s strive to create a marketing ecosystem that prioritizes evidence-based information, empowers consumers, and promotes genuine well-being.