To raise awareness and stimulate interest for products from Taiwan, we developed and activated a multifaceted strategy for a sponsorship of the 2018 BMW Berlin Marathon. The theme-driven campaign included a unique design, advertising to identify runners for the Taiwan Excellence marathon team, an ongoing PR and social media storytelling strategy, an impactful exhibition and event concept, and the creation of sponsor branding for the marathon race day. The inspiring campaign #ReachYourExcellence linked all of the initiatives together making the campaign both memorable and relevant.
Advertising promoted the campaign and drove interest during the runner selection process. More than 330 candidates applied for the eight coveted spots on the team.
We created the idea of the #ReachYourExcellence red shoe laces to underscore the key motivational and inspirational campaign messages. Team runners wore them while training for the marathon and during the race, often posting messages and images that helped emphasize the campaign’s theme.
A dedicated “hot spot”, highlighted by a branded inflatable arch, marked the 40 km point on the race course.
Social media was a key marketing tool throughout the campaign. Evocative visual content boosted engagement. Team members were provided with guidelines and suggested content for posts to keep their followers up on their training progress. The hashtag #ReachYourExcellence was widely used.
The Taiwan Excellence Pavilion at Berlin Vital served to sharpen the profile of Taiwanese products, showcasing new technologies and apps for a vital lifestyle. Activities included a virtual reality corner, a photo booth, postcards for friends and family. Specially-packaged #ReachYourExcellence shoe laces were distributed by promoters. The 45,000 Berlin Marathon runners received branded goody bags.
The marathon weekend provided us with the ideal environment to create immersive, experiential brand moments. By linking a series of initiatives to the emotional highs of the event, the runners, their support groups, guests and event-goers actively engaged and interacted with Taiwan Excellence.