In a recent article in leading e-mobility magazine, MEGA China Bike and E-Vehicle, the history and success of the mobility brand TranzX was analysed.
The article explains how the TranzX brand developed over the years and the steps taken in order to position it so successfully. It also details the involvement of ITMS founder and Executive Director George Pascal in this process and how his expertise helped the creative young brand build itself from its initial offering, to one with the fourth largest market share in Germany.
The success story of the TranzX brand is explored throughout the article notably focusing on the two main pillars of this success; brand positioning and emphasis on service. These two aspects have since defined the TranzX brand and become key selling points within the market. Pascal’s experience was sought out in order to assist in developing the brand, and this, coupled with the creative vision of the fledgling TranzX brand came to together to create the TranzX brand of today.
As founder of ITMS Marketing, and along with both his and his team’s experience in building brands, Pascal was able to steer TranzX through a booming market and to capitalize on the brand’s unique selling points.
To read the full article and find out the secret, the full article can be found here.
TranzX is currently attending the 2015 Taipei Cycle Show.